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Hindi-English > बहुत अधिक दाम लेना

बहुत अधिक दाम लेना in English

pronunciation: [ bahut adhik dam lena ]  sound:  
बहुत    plenitude world packet pile score thousand number
बहुत अधिक    obscenely too piping vastly so highly widely
अधिक    prefect too bitterly furthermore still far
अधिक दाम लेना    overcharge overcharge
दाम    cost tariff price prey tax net charge bid value
लेना    prendre reception recover secure embrace pick

What is the meaning of बहुत अधिक दाम लेना in English and how to say bahut adhik dam lena in English? बहुत अधिक दाम लेना English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.